Products From Holy Land

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Miscellaneous Product

Small Ceramic Mug From Jerusalem

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Products From Holy Land

Black Beaded Rosary From Jerusalem

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Miscellaneous Product

Nazareth Medium Zipper Bag

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Miscellaneous Product

Nazareth Small Zipper Bag


Products From Holy Land

Black Beaded Rosary From Fatima


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Women Apparel

We are thrilled to share this store of hope with you. Meaningful Buying was created to help us continue our journey of service through the different ministries of assistance provided by Hearts Touching Hearts Foundation to children and their families living in extreme poverty.

Hearts Touching Hearts Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in the State of Florida in 2017. It was organized just a few months after a visit to a city dump in Central America.

The scene there was extremely heartbreaking. Children and their parents visit city dumps around the world every day to look for food and/or items to sell to make a living. Poverty requires children to work instead of getting an education. It is actually inhumane that families need to do this in order to survive.

We have been working diligently to get as many children out of a city dump and to take them into a classroom. Our main focus is to help these underprivileged children get an education, since we believe that education is the key to improving the quality of their lives. We assist and provide support to the families throughout the year to make sure that the children are registered in school and remain in school.

Our ministries of service have endured some major setbacks due to COVID-19. As a result of this unfortunate pandemic, we were not able to partake in our typical fundraising activities, which was our main source of income. Since then, it has been a great challenge to get the funds needed to continue bringing hope to these children and their families. Meaningful Buying was born out of this need for funds.

Approximately 260,000,000 children worldwide won’t attend school during their lives. Education and poverty go hand in hand. According to Unesco, if children in low-income countries had basic reading skills, an estimated 171,000,000 of them would be able to escape the shackles of poverty. Millions of children are growing up without opportunities that others have had with the help of education.

These statistics are not just numbers. Each of these numbers represents an innocent child with a name, a heart, and a soul, in desperate need of assistance. Each of these children matter. Please be a part of this wonderful cause to help provide opportunities to underprivileged children, so they can fulfill their potential.

All the profits generated from your purchase will be used to continue providing education, medical assistance, and a monthly supply of food for the children and their families. As well as supporting the different programs offered by Hearts Touching Hearts Foundation.

To learn more about the programs of assistance provided by HTHF, please visit the following sites at:

In order to continue our mission, we need your help and the contribution of everyone interested in giving the gift of hope to a child and a family in need. It is our objective to be able to extend our support to more children and more families.

These children and their families need our assistance and support to help them on their path to a better life and a better future. Collectively, we can do something to help the world’s most vulnerable children, those living in dire circumstances, by preparing and empowering them with the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty.

Your purchase can be a prayer answered in someone’s life. It does more than to help them mitigate their daily struggle to survive. It gives them hope in humanity and hope for a better life.

Please be a part of this extraordinary opportunity to help the needy and the most vulnerable. Select the product(s) that you like for you, a family member, or for the ones you call dear.

Hearts Touching Heart’s Family “THANK YOU” for becoming an important part of these humanitarian causes we are committed to support. We greatly and sincerely appreciate your goodwill and generous contribution.

We hope you like and enjoy the product(s) you have selected and more importantly, we genuinely wish that you have experienced the joy of giving hope to our children and their families.

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